7-site bodyfat % calculator

(7-punts vetpercentage calculator)


Background information

Jackson/Pollock 7-Site Caliper Method formula
Male[1] BF%=495/(1.112-(0.00043499*s)+(0.00000055*s*s)-(0.00028826*a))-450
Female[2] BF%=495/(1.097-(0.00046971*s)+(0.00000056*s*s)-(0.00012828*a))-450
Variables s = sum of 7 skinfold mm
a = age

[1] Jackson, A. S., & Pollock, M. L. (1978). Generalized equations for predicting body density of men. British journal of nutrition, 40(03), 497-504.

[2] Jackson, A. S., Pollock, M. L., & Ward, A. N. N. (1979). Generalized equations for predicting body density of women. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 12(3), 175-181.

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