Deadlift clinic

Event Details

Dear Spartans,

Pjotr van den Hoek returns to give his last clinic of the academic year! This time around, it will be the deadlift clinic on June 27th. Even though picking up a weight from the ground might seem simple in essence, a lot comes into play to be able to do this as well as possible. Pjotr will teach you the tricks of the trade, so that your deadlift PR will skyrocket in no time.

This clinic will be split into two groups; a beginner group for lifters who deadlift <2x bodyweight and an advanced group for lifters who deadlift >2x bodyweight. Both sessions will take place at T-kwadraat, the beginner group starting at 19:30 and the advanced group starting at 21:15. For every group there is a maximum of 9 people who can join, so make sure to subscribe quickly if you want to be there! Subscribing can be done via the links below:

Subscription beginner group:

Subscription advanced group:


See you soon!